Welcome to the DO NOT DELETE Personnel Registration Site!

Sign Up Below To Register

For returning personnel or profile updates, Click Here

Do you want to help make our attraction great?
Fill out the form below to register.

Upload Picture
Upload Picture

Select the dates you are available to work.
(This does not mean you will be working it is used for avaiability!)

[ Check All ]

Documents(s) must be downloaded, printed, signed and brought in...


All Personnel Waiver: [ Download Document]

Terms And Conditions of Registration


We collect basic information for the purposes of helping to organize your attraction and the personnel that elect to assist.

By using this site, you agree that HauntScheduler.com will collect and store the information you provide and furnish that information to the attraction you are registering to act for.

Further, you agree that HauntScheduler.com can send emails and text messages to you on behalf of the attraction that you are going to work with.

HauntScheduler.com will not pass on your information to any party whose role is not necessary to foster communication and coordination with the attraction.